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  1. Invoice #123456 (unpaid)
    Invoice Date: August 15, 2019
    Due by: August 14, 2019 <==== Due before it is issued.
    Service Dates: 08/15/19 - 09/15/19

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  2. Dear Team
    About Cloudsite is best service in WebHosting World, but you failed to create easy migration to Cloudsites, i feel about very much. sorry to say

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  3. I need to know when LW will be unavailable for my site(s) where I can process it electronically without admin interaction

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  4. Please provide better ways to access our email through (mobile version)

    it does not show any way to access our email control panel when using mobile.

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  5. On my Managed WordPress server, most of my sites have their DNS hosted at Cloudflare, and Cloudflare is enabled. Twice in the past 2 weeks I had to pause Cloudflare to troubleshoot an issue, only to find that the Let's Encrypt certificate did not auto-renew because the A record for the site was pointing to CloudFlare and not the Managed WordPress server.

    It would be extremely useful to allow me to initiate the renewal of the SSL certificate from the Managed WordPress console, rather than have to call support.

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  6. First-notice invoices are not past due. Within 5 minutes of receiving my invoice, I pay it online. However, when I log in I see a big red notification that I am past due, it practically gives me a heart attack until I realize that you do this to me every single month. My account is in good standing, I just received the invoice, and so please do not tell me my account is in arrears or "past due". Adjusting what you classify as "past due" would bring a little more peace of mind, make my monthly account interactions more pleasant,…

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  7. I have been with LW since April and you guys are outstanding. I have rented servers or had CoLo's for 13 years. Your products are great, support is great and the migration was superb. Every time I moved a box or changed providers I would cringe at the thought. Days of crossing "t's" and dotting "i's" and always missing something. Just want to say thanks and please keep up the good work.

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  8. please give way to disable all email boxes on a domain at one time at
    Manage Administrators > Manage > Block All Emails id

    at this time Block Access - is only control panel block - its not useful. bcoz client pay when i block emails not CP.
    at this time i have to block all emails & cp too. i have to do both blocking at different different place. its time taking operation. please give short cut under manage button.

    Thank you.

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  9. We have a developer who is continually getting kicked out for whatever reason, because she has a dynamic IP here IP is constantly getting blocked, then we have to go in and manually unblock it. You guys have created a very good feature where you can go into account management and give a special user certain privileges, but unfortunately, not one of those privileges is called "Unblock IP", which is exactly what we need. Can you please implement that?

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  10. Please give us time to pay our invoices. The issue date is the due date. After that, the invoice is considered past due and you shut down our website. Our invoice was paid within 5 days. We've never seen business practices such as this.

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  11. Please implement the system that will send chat transcript automatically to our registered email ID after chat closed. Also it will be very good if there an archive all chat history in our profile.

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  12. 1 vote

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  13. Change name format of log files from "" to "" This change would mean that sorting by file name would also sort the files by date.

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  14. Would it be possible to have the Server the ability to resume an interrupted upload? Vimeo uses tus to do so.

    "The tus-php Server supports concatenation extension and is capable of concatenating multiple uploads into a single one enabling clients to perform parallel uploads and to upload non-contiguous chunks."

    and here


    TusPHP for server side
        We used php library, but actually you can use other server side implementations like node.js, Go or others
    tus-js-client for client side
        TusPHP already has a php client, but I think we all would agree to use the javascript implementations for the client
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  15. I run a dedicated server for my hosting clients. I would like to have my corporate site running WHMCS hosted on a different server so that clients can get in touch with me if there is a server issue.

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  16. For either or, need the ability to create users with the ability to manage DNS for specific groups of domains.

    For instance 1 user can manage DNS for one group of domains, while another user would have access to only manage DNS for another group of domains.

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  17. Kindly allow me to suggest a feature request? To have a plugin to WHMCS where if the domain is suspended for non-payment, the block access for ALL emails in that domain is automatically enabled, then, when the domain is unsuspended, they go back on. Doing it manually is fine for now, but automating this would be terrific. Thanks so much!

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  18. We would like to be able to continue creating SSL's even after our monthly quota is used up. We understand that we will be billed for those, but still would like to be able to create and install them ourselves without having to bug your staff to do it.

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  19. It is very frustrating that the charges on my monthly corporate AMEX statement don't always match the invoices in my account, due to the way "revised invoices" are posted. Ideally you would simply charge the card for what is showing on the invoices! Very frustrating to work through this multiple times per year with our Accounting department. Thanks.

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  20. I have a 50 site plan which provides 200GB of storage. I run the LW MWP Tools plugin in order to monitor my server RAM, CPU, Swap and Hard Disk usage. I was at 88% hard disk usage and requested the breakout of any folder with more than 1GB. That showed the ./home/wraith folder was 32GB. In case you don't know the wraith folder stores all the visual comparisons for plugin updates. There should be no need for this folder to grow to this size. I think it should be auto deleted or overwritten after X number of days (3,…

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