Fonts in support area are too small!
I have a really hard time reading some of the tiny fonts in the support area. 10px should be a minimum for small things, and these days 12-14px is the norm. But many parts of your support area is only 6-8px! That's insanely small. The site looks like it was built back when 800x600 was the standard monitor size. Please, make it larger. I shouldn't get eye strain from using LiquidWeb!

We have completed the move to a new Support Interface that includes a larger font when reading Support requests in your account.
You may see this in the new Help Center area.
Thank you for the feedback here, this helped to inform our decisions when building the new platform.
Admin[Deleted User] (Admin, Liquid Web) commented
I'm actually working with our developers on this currently and any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Are you referring to the text that is in the tickets specifically or just in general? Do you have any other suggestions about the user experience in manage?
It should also be noted that we are switching to a new system in August, and this sort of feedback has already been factored into the decisions made about that interface.
Anonymous commented
How has this issue still not been fixed. Its literally one line of CSS to adjust. The <pre> font size is currently 8.9375px, can it please be at least 12px?
Arif Ahmed Joy commented
That's a great news ^_^
Daniel Hutter commented
The rest of the management area is fine but the font is tiny on the content of the ticket.
I have to increase my browser to 150% in order to read your replies.
Jpaulo commented
LiquidWeb seems so "strong" before you become a client and actually have access to Client Area.
There in the Client Area LW seems a very basic company with a basic Joomla style. I really don't being there for too long.
Post a ticket and then go back to read it. Look at the size of that font. Crazy stuff.
I really think that part of LiquidWeb which is where they welcome us needs lots of improvement.. a modern look.
Daniel commented
Hello Yes I agree! I ws just going to make a suggestion about this but I see it was done already! Liquid web please get on this.. Its an easy fix if you take the time to do it. I have experience with 2 other hosts and have never had an issue like this. This is how the font looks on the users end