Fix support ticketing system
When you purchased WiredTree, you also picked up the absolute best ticketing system I'd ever seen (WiredTree's). The LiquidWeb's is slow, confusing and .. a mess.
There is a lot to be said about clean, fast no-JS effects garbage.
Clean, linear ticketing, and the ability to refer to old tickets (like, wth?)

Help Center has gone through some big changes in the past year to correct the issues outlined here.
Timothy commented
LiquidWeb's new Help Center is excruciating to use. And ironically very unhelpful.
I absolutely agree with all comments here.
No recent updates to the system to fix known and obvious issues.
Recently contacted tech support and they told me that there were no planned updates and that they also would NOT keep me updated on problems that they actively acknowledge exist.
I can't believe that they won't even let their paying customers know how they plan to fix known issues that they acknowledge existing.
You would think that LiquidWeb would treat customers that pay their bills better. WiredTree was a better company. WiredTree understood that customers mattered and that customer service was important.
LiquidWeb's support is terrible. I had better when I was using simple shared hosting a decade ago. LiquidWeb is expensive for this low quality customer service.
LiquidWeb's customers are not their priority.
WTL commented
I'll take a closer look at the updated ticketing system. What I loved about WiredTree's ticketing was it's simplicity; no fancy javascript garage, everything was orderly, and I could review every single ticket I'd filed, ever.
Admin[Deleted User] (Admin, Liquid Web) commented
Hello Marko,
We are actively working on correcting these issues. For instance, just last night we corrected the ticket sorting so that the last modified ticket shows first. This also corrects the order of comment views within a ticket.
Looking at your account, I am only seeing one open ticket at the moment. We do require that tickets are opened for many types of communications as it gives a full history of your account, which allows us to support you better. However, if you find that there are too many open tickets in the future, please let us know as we can automate the closing of tickets on our end.
Finally, I have spoken with the design team and they agree with you on the location of the Close Ticket button. They will be working on moving this in the future.
Thank you for providing this feedback.
Marko commented
i agree. So many issues.
1.. by default it should sort tickets by last modified
2.. i hate that even simple messages like your domain is expiring becomes a ticket. I am overwhelmed with tickets i dont want in the system.
3. on that, there is no way to do a bulk close of many tickets. I want to close out all the 50 tickets you have made for me for domain expiring but i cant. i have to manually go into each one. I started to but then gave up it was so time consuming. Now i am giving up on tickets because i am overwhelmed with the garbage in there.
4.. its not linear. origin message is at top thread at bottom, latest in the middle. and the close button is at the bottom instead of top so i have to scroll through all the garbage to even close it.
5.. there is more.i am hoping this can be upgraded or changed out because i as do others greatly depend on the ticketing system.
Admin[Deleted User] (Admin, Liquid Web) commented
Alexandra here, lead on the WiredTree integration project. We did look into merging the ticket systems, but decided not to after we found that the WiredTree ticketing software was 6 versions out of date, and was only partially integrated into the customer portal.
I do hear your feedback about the need for simplicity and speed. We are actively making improvements to our new support system now to improve those areas. Stay tuned for more changes shortly.