STORM backup cost savings
Please remove local Cpanel backup out of STORM backup storage and save us some money. Last I heard local cpanel backups are part of STORM backups too, essentially doing a backup of backup. Pls exclude cpanel backup out of STORM backup. Thanks.

Thank you for this feedback. It is true that Storm backups include cPanel backups. This is because Storm backups are a full server image. They do not parse the data or partitions that are being backed up and instead keep a copy of everything on the server.
We did a feasibility on having a per-file backup system for Storm backups some time ago and found that the extra time needed to parse the files as well as copy them created a network load that negatively impacted the performance of the server.
If you would like to create a Support Ticket, our team may be able to help make some recommendations on areas of the server that can be cleaned to reduce the total backup price for you.