search tickets by keyword
we need to find an answer to an old ticket and need to search by keywords , domains etc. but we can not do it with your support system. most tech support systems have features to search old tickets with keywords to find the anwsers or see the history of the problem. we asked this about a year ago and we were told that it would be in the new system.
can you please create a search box to search old tickets by key words ?

Tom Hoshall commented
how do we find out how to sign in coming from Racklspace
How can I talk to someone by phone I am not that savy with computer. but I sure can talk.
would be nice to have this kind of help. Good for you if the darn thing works . If it does I want to find and use the same for our technology. we call webChannel number technology . we invented one click search. even have two patents on it. my phone 405-410-1837.- check out www.onnowtvcom/10 -
David commented
@corry - I couldn't agree more! Unfortunately this request was created in 2011 and has yet to be implemented. So my hopes have completely diminished in LW doing this. ;-( We have been an LW client for MANY years now and for the most part are happy with support. We have unfortunately had to resort to placing ALL our ticket history into our own system for future reference as we really don't want to involve LW support unless we absolutely have to.
corry commented
I upvoted this request and wholeheartedly disagree with George C. Jordan. When I get help, I often ask "How can I fix this myself next time?". When one hosts with a company for several years, one's tickets really pile up. If I could search those tickets, it would help me to help myself. That's a double win. I get immediate help and that's less new tickets in the system that have to be handled by the host.
Anonymous commented
I'm confused on HOW this could be seen as negative, WHAT SO EVER. Adding a search box for looking up tickets is simple, easy and extremely useful to ANYONE who uses it.
I'm a new customer to LW and very surprised this easy functionality is not available.
FYI. I love, Love, LOVE the support from LW... the techs are GREAT!
awdesign commented
I requested this feature in 2009 and they told me that it is a good idea. But I noticed recently LiquidWeb is losing the quality of the tech support they used to provide.
David commented
Let's not miss the point. This request is to provide a way for customers to search/find old ticket information. This will save time and will perhaps give a quick background ticket reference to tech support regarding the issue at hand. This would be a very valuable feature for some customers. And some of us are more hands on than others. Different levels of support are needed for different customers.
George C. Jordan III commented
The tech is suppose to take the information and work with it.
Why involve the customer. He is paying for service, not to be part of the issue or problem.
This ticket idea is fool-hardy at best. George C. Jordan III for The Berkshire Beacon. -
David commented
Totally agreed!
nolageek commented
Yes. Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes. Many times I'm submitting a ticket that I know I've sent in before but we have 200+ pages of tickets and there's no way to search. Please can we get this added; it seems like such an obvious feature.