The ability (again) to see individual site sizes in the control panel under "Usage by Account" when an account has more than one site.
For over a year now, when viewing Usage by Site stats for an account, it no longer shows the individual site's sizes. It only shows the three columns of db, SQL and bandwidth and not the size. The only size information that is provided is at the account level.
This is a BIG problem when a client/account has more than one site. Especially when one of the sites has an issue.
It appears that even you guys aren't aware of this change or issue, as when we chat with tech support, they all seem ti think that you can still see individual site sizes. I say still because it used to be that way up until about a year or so ago.
We've raised this issue before and nothing ever gets done about it - so we're going to try again.
Please fix this issue with the CloudSites control panel;.
We're a large company with a lot of sites with you, We manage some clients that have multiple sites. Unless we put every single site in it's own account, we can't see our site sizes. Then when we get a size alert, we have to deal with techs who don't know about this telling us that we can identify the offending site by using the Usage by Site option - which we cannot.