Email or Text alerts when sites go down on MWP hosting
Email or Text alerts when sites go down on MWP hosting: I recently had a site go down for what was "supposed" to have been a PHP error caused by a plugin. The entire site instance was down and the tech had to "restart services" in order to bring the site back up. Since the MWP hosting doesn't currently send out warnings and the Manage interface showed the server to be up, running and healthy I had no idea where to start and since this isn't a WHM/CPanel environment I don't have access to the tools to restart services I had to GET A CALL FROM THE CLIENT THAT THEIR SITE WAS DOWN. This is sub-optimal to say the least. Is there a solution, even if its a plugin installed per site, or an external "for pay" service that can be used so that I, the hosting provider and developer, can be the first to know that a site is down?